TOWNSEND, MT - June 21, 2020 (Complete match results below the match report)
The COVID-19 pandemic quashed the plans for several pre-registered out of state persons.
With only 1 out-of-state attendance, and 10 Montana's, the 2020 EliteLRC-2000 Yard Match took place, along with good weather and some respectable conditions.
Jeff Reed of Livingston, MT started Day-1 of the 2 day event off with a record breaking 13.059" group in the ELR Class, first Relay of the day. Jeff was shooting his .417 BM with Cutting Edge 475-grain Lazor Tipped bullets, gunsmithed by Northridge Rifles.
Tom Mousel of Columbia Falls, MT fallowed Jeff Reed's record breaking trend in the Unlimited Class with a 13.082" group fallowed by a new best group record of 12.657". Tom was shooting his Wheeler Accuracy built 338-Improved with 300gr Berger Hybrids.
More records were broke in multiple fashion with the 3-Target Score Aggregate record falling prey from Cody Finch with a 106 score, Glen Kulzer with a 109 score, Tom Mousel with a 119 score, and by Heather McGuire with a new best 3-target record score of 124.
The record breaking trends continued with the breaking of the 3-Target Aggregate Group record as well, by an annual repeat record breaking performance by Tom Mousel, and bettering the 2019 record by nearly 3", to a new aggregate of 16.845".
Heather McGuire finished as the Unlimited Class Over-All Winner.
Tom Mousel finished as the ELR Class Over-All Winner.
Much appreciation to Broadwater Rod & Gun Club for again hosting the event at there beautiful and unique range. We look forward to the future of there hosting of Elite 2000 Yard events.