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TOWNSEND, MT  -  June 23, 2019   (Complete match results below the match report)

   With much of the country experiencing severe thunderstorms, flooding, and rain, Townsend also had 3-days of rain in the forecast, with wide spread showers occuring through out the state. From which we had a number of our anticipated participants that elected not to attend.

  However, 6 shooters from 3 states were not denied, and after some rain delay in the morning hours, were able to get all 3 of there targets in on Saturday, shortening the 2-day event to one.

  Once again Heather McGuire of Banks, Oregon laid down the smallest Group & best Score of the year, shooting a .417- King Cobra with Cutting Edge 500gr Lazer-Tipped bullets, gunsmithed by Northridge Rifles. Heather also finished 1st over-all for "Total Score". 

  Tom Mousel of Columbia Falls, MT proved the most consistent again this year, winning the over-all "Group Aggregate" as well as bettering his last years aggregate for a new record. Tom was shooting his Wheeler Accuracy built 338-Improved with 300gr Berger Hybrids.

   Mike Nagengast came the farthest, up from Sun City, AZ with his 300 WinMag hunting gun once again. Mike has a new rifle build in the works for the extended distance shooting, but ran out of time with the project for this years ELRC event.

  Extended condolences to Bill Brown, who traveled from Eagle Creek, OR to participate, but had to return home to family and the lose of a loved one. 

  Much appreciation to  Broadwater Rod & Gun Club  for again hosting the event at there beautiful and unique range. We look forward to the future of there hosting of Elite 2000 Yard events.


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